I am frustrated that I do not know why my baby cries. A friend of mine figured out that soda and dairy products caused her son to be very gassy and upset, so she stopped eating/drinking those foods and suddenly her son was no longer fussy. She says he is a perfect baby now. I want a perfect baby. But how do people know what makes them not feel good? When you eat a sandwich with chicken, tomato, lettuce, cheese and ranch dressing how do you know which part of it made them projectile throw up and be fussy all night? I don't know if I am not watching what I eat closely enough or what. And I don't know if I really have a fussy baby or if she is normal and I just don't know it cause I have nothing to compare it to. I feel like she cries for no reason a lot but maybe this is nothing compared to a colicky baby. I am frustrated.
I am also frustrated because I woke up to this.
And just in case you can't tell just how much, look at this.
And it is not stopping. So Sam and I are stagging a protest and staying in bed until the snow stops. We are having a pj party protest! Mother Nature if you are reading this I am not getting out of bed until you bring back Spring!
Staying in bed definitely sounds better than being at work today in the rain. I hope you and Sam enjoy your PJ party and I am praying for sun for the both of us.
Love ya!
whatever friend told you she has a perfect baby is just plain old lying. there is NO SUCH THING. and don't blame yourself for her throwing up and being fussy... parker threw up with almost every meal (just ask mom!) and fussed on and off all day. she was just challenging as an infant. but even bailey, little miss easy peasy, had about a month (maybe around sam's age? i can't remember but she was little) when she would just scream from like 7pm-11pm. for NO reason and nothing calmed her. so C and i would take turns walking her around until she finally just passed out. it was miserable. these are days you honestly forget about and what you'll remember is cuddling in bed with her all day today! :) hang in there... they get easier.
HAHA! no they don't! :)
The grand total here in Point by the way is a depressing 6.8" YUCK!
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