Tuesday, February 24, 2009

even Doctors CANNOT predict the future

Sam never threw up. Not once really. Okay, maybe a large spit up or two but I don't think that counts as the stomach flu. She has never really gotten sick. She had a fever for three days with nothing else; weird. But I don't think it could have been the stomach flu like the doc predicted because she never got any of the other symptoms that go with stomach flu (like an upset stomach!). Whatever, the fever is gone now and while she is still pretty fussy I know that she is cutting teeth so I am going to chalk it up to that.
We had a pretty good weekend. Friends of ours came over and taught us Peanuckle (I have NO IDEA how to spell that!). It was so much fun, I think I am addicted. Hard to learn but fun once I started to get it. One of the other highlights of the weekend is the project that Chris and I took on. We got motivated and cleaned out the storage area in our basement. We discovered several things while we were down there. One - I am a pack rat! There was so much random crap in boxes that I just couldn't throw away. Two - We CAN use power tools! We borrowed a sawzall from friends and Chris used it to cut wood for the shelves we were building. I was quite impressed with how easily we worked together to figure out how to build the shelves, went and bought the materials and then built them over two days. Neither one of us has a lot of handy-type skills so it was neat to see our idea actually work. Here is the space before we built the shelves.
And the after!
And a quick Sam picture or two. She loves reading. And after breakfast or lunch while I am cleaning up this is where I often find her. She will just grab a book (or seven!) and sit turning the pages. I love that she is so happy being by herself and I love even more that she loves books. I am hoping it won't go away anytime soon.

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