Tuesday, February 17, 2009

the cutest dress

So more to share from the weekend...

We did go out for dinner Saturday night so I guess you could say we celebrated Valentine's Day a bit. The food was great, service was horrible but Sam looked ADORABLE!
The pictures were so dark that you couldn't really see the dress to I had my sister do some picture editing magic so that is why the colors a bit odd.

And here are a few other fun moments from the weekend...
She has become obsessed with knocking over block towers. Why is it that kids think this is so much fun? It was a great visit and as always made us wish we lived closer to both of our families. As Sam gets older and starts changing even faster it is harder to be so far away from family and know that they are missing fun things.


Anonymous said...

sam needs a trip to the emmanuel nursery, think how much she would love knocking over the diaper blocks.. do you know what I am talking about??

Jodie Allen said...

ummm. hmmm. odd color?

i guess that means you think all of my photos are odd?


Abbie said...

I was just talking about the pink snow and sky! I do not think your pictures are odd I was just trying to explain why it didn't look like something I had taken.
Good grief!

Anonymous said...

OH you two, even on blog comments you have to behave like sisters! Oh how I love imagining the sound of your voices together. Sam is adorable, can't wait to see you all. Parker loves knocking over blocks too. Bailey and I build them and Parker knocks them down.