The perfect night has looked very different over the years; from high school to college, from single life to married life and from being a kid to having a kid of my own. Well tonight I am looking forward to a rather strange perfect night.
See, Chris has headed down to Milwaukee for the weekend to golf with his alumni golf friends leaving Sam and I home alone all weekend. Of course I am going to miss him, however tonight I am indulging in a kind of night that I have not had in a long time.
1. Sam is in bed and stays in bed (the staying in bed is the key here, I am keeping my fingers crossed). Yes I know it is only 6:30 but she didn't nap very well and was fussy so to bed she went. Who cares if that means she will wake up ready for the day at 4:30am; I will deal with that then!
2. The house is a mess but I am ignoring it. Dishes, laundry, dusting and vacuuming can wait till tomorrow.
3. The wine is poured and the bottle is chilling; not to be emptied tonight, I do have to stay fairly sober to be a responsible parent.
4. The ice cream is in the freezer, it will make its appearance later on!
5. A trip to the video store earlier today provided me with the best part of the evening (don't worry the Olympics are on DVR!). I have rented all of the movies that I could never watch with Chris. Watching girly movies with him is just not fun because it gets hard to hear what is going on over all the mocking, sighing and complaining. SO I have five movies to watch, are you ready..."Mad Money", "Definitely, Maybe", "Jane Austin's Book Club", "In the Land of Women" and "27 Dresses"!! Does it get much more girly than that?
A night alone, at home, in comfy look-like-crap-but-who-cares clothes, with a sleeping baby, wine, ice cream and some hopefully great movies...what could be better!
I love my husband and I am sure by Sunday morning I will miss him, but tonight is all about me.
7 years ago
that DOES sound like a good night! enjoy yourself!!t
Oh that DOES sounds like a perfect night! I too am missing Andrew while the boys bond over golf. But I did my best today with insuring a perfect night for me too! :-) I withheld all naps this afternoon running errands and baking with the girls in order to keep them up. Then magically they were in bed a full hour and a half earlier than normal!! Whoo hoo, before 8pm I was sitting around watching the girls gymnastic all-arounds on the DVR because I was too tired the night before to watch. And got caught up on random things like birthday thank you notes and figuring out our fall schedule. But all WITHOUT interruption! It was fantastic!
Here's to one more night of doing only what we WANT to do before we welcome the hubbies home tomorrow! :-)
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