Wednesday, October 1, 2008

status report

I feel it is time to get back to Sam.

I decided you all needed an update on all things Sam. Let's start with the numbers...

2 months 4 months
6 months
Head 95%
95% 95%


23 3/4 in - 95%

25in - 85%

26 3/4 in - 80%


12lbs 10oz - 90%
14lbs 10oz -
17lbs 9 oz - 80%

She is a growing girl. But is it weird that her percentile in height and weight keeps dropping?

Eating -
Sam is now eating a wide range of fruits and vegetables. We recently introduced carrots and she HATES them. This is the first food that she has really refused. Pumpkin is next on the list to introduce and I can't wait to see what she thinks of that because it is the first one that I am giving her that I do not like.

Sleeping -
She continues to sleep pretty well. We have our rough nights and early mornings, but every baby had those. She doesn't take long naps on a regular basis but I am okay with that too. She loves curling up with a blanket and a few choice animals.

What she is working on -
Sitting up: getting pretty good but still topples over after not that long.
Drinking from a sippy cup: she just sort of chews on it and can only hold it up for a short time.
Scooting: she is getting so close to really being able to move around on her belly.

What she loves:
Polly! Whenever Polly comes around Sam stares at her, reaches out to touch her and wants to watch her as much as possible. Polly loves the attention and will lay on the floor by Sam.
Being outside. She is still totally captivated by leaves, trees and everything outside. She loves looking up and watching leaves move in the wind.

For a viewing pleasure, here is a little shot of her playing...and falling over!

Okay, so that is SAM in a nutshell.

She is sleeping peacefully and I am enjoying cake and my shows, it's a good night.


Jodie Allen said...

first: mmmmmmm. cake.

second: she's normal, don't worry about numbers.

third: despite no tv i think she has a.d.d. as in those 26 seconds of video i think she grabbed 26 toys! :)

Jodie Allen said...

OH. and she's freaking adorable! can't wait to get my hands on her! :)

Katie said...

dont be a hater. pumpkin hater.

Jen said...

My youngest has steadily fallen in percentile since birth. She's almost 2 now. I think my doctors up here have been a little spazzy about it but they do make a bit of an issue about it and talk about adding butter and oil to her food, etc., in an attempt to get her to gain weight. But she's hitting milestones just fine...

So I'm saying that if your gut tells you Sam's fine, ignore the numbers. Find a supportive pediatrician you trust, and just keep doing what you're doing -- it's obviously working because she looks great!