I ALREADY NEED A VACATION! I have only been home and with Sam for a few hours and I am ready to pull my hair out. She stayed up way too late last night and so her schedule is really thrown off. She wouldn't eat her normal big breakfast which meant that she was crying for a bottle way earlier than she should have been. She refused to play with any of her toys and wanted all of mine (computer, dishes, phone, remotes, etc.). She is crying over the slightest fall or drop to her bottom (which is does all the time since she is working on her walking).
She even cried when she couldn't pull her sock off BECAUSE IT WAS STILL ON HER FOOT AND SHE WAS STANDING! Ridiculous.
I had grand plans of doing laundry, unpacking, cleaning and a bit of relaxing today but I don't think much of that is going to happen. She is napping right now and I am too tired to do any of it. Rats.
7 years ago
pictures please!
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