The crazy, stressful, and exhausting week is over. Chris got through his exam and we will know sometime late December (usually right before Christmas) how we did. My environmental educators conference in Milwaukee went well and I didn't totally lose my mind. Sam seemed to have a great time at her Grandpa and Nana's house and while I think they were ready for her to go back to WI I think they loved spending time with her.
So, no pictures of the exam and the ones of the conference are not all that interesting so how about some pictures of Sam's week!
This is Sam playing peekaboo with Grandpa during lunch!
An adorable food/milk comma. So cute.
Nana took Sam to the pumpkin patch to pick out a few pumpkins. Sam got one just her size.
It was cold so they didn't get to stay out too long, but Sam got to sick amongst the pumpkins. I love that they look bigger than her.
Just a great playing picture in their living room. They moved around their furniture to give her more room for toys and to move around.
Nana did Sam's hair a lot which I think is so cute! Her pigtails and ponytails look much better than the ones that I am able to do.
This is one of my favorite pictures because I think it is so funny how totally surrounded by toys Sam is. I also love that she looks so old in this picture with the bow, shoes and the way it looks like she is crawling.
On Halloween Chris, Nana and Sam went to Grandpa's work to trick or treat.
I see a future business executive in the making!! She seems very comfortable in that chair.
And of course there was candy.
It sounds like Sam was quite a hit in the office.
And then that evening they took Sam trick or treating. She didn't have much of a nap that day so she was a bit crabby but they went to four houses and took lots of pictures for me!
A whole week in one post! That is a lot of Sam to take in. I am so thankful to Grandpa and Nana for keeping Sam the whole week for us. I really don't know how we would have made it through that stressful time without them. And I am SO greatful that they took pictures of her week and of the Halloween festivities. I hate that I could not be there with them but the pictures are the next best thing.
Luckily for me she did not have any really major milestones occur while she was away. She is cutting her first tooth; it is her bottom front tooth. But I did not miss crawling or sitting up on her own.
The reunion on Saturday night was so cute. She had the biggest smile and was so happy to see me. I was so excited that of course I cried. It just felt so good to be home.
Okay, longest post ever.
Hope you all had a great Halloween!!